Call for Abstract

11th International Conference on Stroke and Neurological Disorders, will be organized around the theme “Theme : - Unlocking the Brain: Exploring Frontiers in Neurological Research”

Stroke Summit 2024 is comprised of 21 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Stroke Summit 2024.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

The term "neurological infections" refers to a broad range of illnesses that infect and impact the nerve system. Despite improvements in treatment and the creation of early detection methods, many of these illnesses can leave their victims with serious, protracted, and even life-threatening difficulties.

The prevalence of neurological infections is influenced by a number of factors, including:

  • The growing population of HIV/AIDS patients whose weakened immune makes them more susceptible to brain infections.
  • The rising use of immunosuppressant drugs, such as cancer treatments, which make people more susceptible to brain infections.

Stroke risk factor includes-

  • Behavioural aspects( low physical activity, , poor eating and smoking)
  • Metabolism (high fasting plasma glucose- hypercholesterolemia)
  • Environment (long working time)
  • Genetic factors( family history of stroke gene mutation efforts
  •   â€‹Behavioural modification efforts for the prevention of stroke-
  • Diet ( decrease sugar, sodium and diary intake)
  • Exercise( moderate to intense exercise 3-4 times per week)



Medical professionals classify neurological illnesses as those that impact the spinal cord, brain, and body's nerves as a whole. A wide range of symptoms may be caused by structural, metabolic, or electrical abnormalities in the brain, spinal cord, or other nerves. The following list of symptoms includes a few examples of symptoms: paralysis, muscle weakness, poor coordination, loss of feeling, seizures, disorientation, pain, and altered degrees of consciousness.

A programme of various therapies called stroke rehabilitation is meant to help you regain abilities you lost as a result of a stroke. Rehabilitation can assist with movement, speech, strength, and daily living skills, depending on the areas of your brain that were impaired by the stroke. We can restore your independence and enhance your quality of life with the aid of stroke rehabilitation.

According to research, those who take part in a targeted programme for stroke recovery perform better than the majority of those who don't. Therefore, stroke therapy is advised for everyone who has experienced a stroke.

A blood clot or a ruptured blood artery can block or stop blood flow to a part of the brain, resulting in a stroke. Brain injury may result from either of these events, when brain cells start to die.

12 out of every 100,000 children under the age of 18 and 25 out of every 100,000 infants suffer from pediatric stroke. The sixth most common cause of mortality for kids is stroke. Youngsters who might have a stroke include:

  • Newborns, especially full-term infants
  • Older children with sickle cell anemia, congenital heart defects, immune disorders or problems with blood clotting
  • Previously healthy children who are found to have hidden disorders such as narrow blood vessels or a tendency to form blood clots easily

In the majority of youngsters, stroke recognition is frequently delayed or completely absent. Many children with stroke syndromes receive incorrect diagnoses for more prevalent disorders such migraines, epilepsy, or viral infections that resemble stroke.

In order to maximize long-term functional results and reduce the chance of a recurrence, early detection and treatment during the initial hours and days following a stroke are essential.

Neurogenetics is the study of how heredity affects the nervous system development and works. It is based mostly on the observation of the individuals' neurological systems, even those of the same species, may not be identical, and  neural features as phenotypes (i.e., manifestations, measurable or not, of an individual's genetic make-up). As its name suggests, it incorporates elements from both genetics and neurology research, concentrating on how an organism's genetic makeup influences the traits that are manifested in that creature.

The molecular underpinnings of human and animal behaviour are investigated in the field of behavioural neuroscience. Neurotransmissions in the brain and the psychological occurrences connected to biological activity are commonly investigated in this field. It is a more comprehensive, up-to-date version of physiological psychology and covers a wide range of issues, such as neuropsychology, learning and memory, motivation and emotion, and sensory processes. Genetic and molecular biological bases of behaviour are one such topic.

Sleep disorders (or sleep-wake disorders) are issues with the type, quantity, and timing of sleep that cause distress during the day and functional impairment. Sleep-wake difficulties frequently co-occur with physical ailments or other mental health issues, like anxiety, depression, or cognitive disorders. Sleep-wake disorders come in a variety of forms, with insomnia being the most prevalent.

Physical and emotional issues are related to sleep problems. In addition to being a cause of or an aggravation of mental health issues, sleep issues can also be a sign of other mental health issues.

A stroke, also known as a brain attack, happens when a blood vessel in the brain breaks or when something stops the flow of blood to a specific area of the brain. Parts of the brain suffer harm or degeneration in either scenario. Stroke victims may experience permanent brain damage, chronic incapacity, or possibly pass away.

A specialist area of medicine known as paediatric neurology is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of neurological problems in neonates (newborns), infants, children, and teenagers. The field of child neurology covers conditions that afflict people in various age ranges and affect the spinal cord, brain, peripheral nervous system (PNS), autonomic nervous system (ANS), muscles, and blood vessels.

The medical speciality of neurosurgery, also known as neurological surgery or brain surgery in colloquial usage, deals with the surgical treatment of illnesses affecting any part of the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nervous system. Common reasons for neurosurgery are: Chronic pain, head injury, Pituitary tumors, Hydrocephalus, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Sciatica and many more.

A field of medicine known as neuropsychiatry, often known as organic psychiatry, examines the relationship between psychiatry and neurology in an effort to comprehend and assign behaviour to the combination of neurobiology and social psychological elements.  While other behavioural and neurological specialities may view the mind and the brain as separate entities, neuropsychiatry views the mind as "an emergent characteristic of the brain". The modern professions of psychiatry and neurology, which traditionally shared training, were preceded by neuropsychiatry; however, both disciplines have since split and are typically practised separately.

The study of the physiology and capabilities of the sensory system is referred to as neurophysiology. It will be investigated how nerves, glia, and neuronal organisations function practically. Neurophysiology is a branch of neuroscience and physiology.

The visual representation of the device and mind is called neuroimaging. Neuroimaging assessment of the current state and development of neurodegenerative drugs make intracranial illness possible. Numerous PET, MRI, and CT assignment appraisal procedures are included in neuroimaging.

The study of medications' effects on nervous system function and the brain pathways by which they affect behaviour is known as neuropharmacology. Behavioural and molecular neuropharmacology is its two main subfields. Neuropsychopharmacology, which includes the study of how drug dependency and addiction influence the human brain, is the main emphasis of behavioural neuropharmacology. With the ultimate goal of creating medications that improve brain function, molecular neuropharmacology examines neurons and their neurochemical connections.

Neurology is a branch of medicine that focuses on abnormalities of the nervous system, whether they are functional or pathological. Neurologists identify and manage conditions that affect the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. Numerous conditions fall under the category of neurological disability, including epilepsy, learning difficulties, neuromuscular problems, autism, attention deficit disorder (ADD), brain tumours, and cerebral palsy, to name a few. Congenital neurological disorders are those that exist from conception.

Traumatic brain injury (TBI), which can be brought on by a blow, bump, or jolt to the head,  the head violently slamming against something, or when an object pierces the skull and penetrates the brain tissue, is a disruption in the normal operation of the brain. The variation in typical brain function might be identified by observing just one of the following clinical symptoms:

  • awareness decline or loss
  • memory loss for activities leading up to or following the incident (amnesia)
  • focal neurological impairments characterised by speech changes, visual loss, and muscular weakness

Brain and spinal cord malignancies are the focus of the medical specialty known as neurooncology. Nervous system cancers are frequently serious illnesses that eventually pose a threat to life.Astrocytomas, glioblastoma multiforme, glioma, pontine glioma, ependymoma, and brain stem tumours are a few examples of these deadly neurological malignancies.

Surgery may be the only course of action for a low-grade brain tumour, particularly if the entire tumour can be removed. Following surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy may be done if there is still a visible tumour present. Surgery is typically the first step in the treatment of higher-grade malignancies, which is then followed by radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Together with your medical team, an exact treatment plan will be created.

A potentially crippling condition of the brain and spinal cord is multiple sclerosis (MS) (central nervous system).Communication issues between your brain and the rest of your body result from the immune system attacking the protective sheath (myelin) covering nerve fibres in MS. The condition may eventually result in irreversible nerve degeneration or injury.

Multiple sclerosis has an obscure origin. The immune system of the body targets its own tissues in what is known as an immunological mediated illness. With MS, this immune system dysfunction eliminates the fatty substance that covers and shields the nerve fibres in the brain and spinal cord (myelin).

Headaches are pains in the head or face that are frequently described as throbbing, severe, or weak pressure. The kind, intensity, location, and frequency of headaches can all vary substantially which sometimes leads to the pain experienced in the lips, eyes, or any other facial feature is referred to as facial pain. Headache has been described as the most common medical complaint known to man. There are hundreds of different types of headache and facial pain disorders, including migraine and cluster headache.

The neurological condition epilepsy is characterised by aberrant brain activity that results in seizures or episodes of strange behaviour, sensations, and occasionally loss of consciousness. Epilepsy can strike any person. Men and women of different ages, races, and cultural backgrounds can develop epilepsy. The brain's aberrant electrical activity, which causes epilepsy, starts there. Electrical impulses are sent by brain cells in a systematic sequence to one another. These electrical signals deviate in epilepsy, causing a "electrical storm" that results in seizures. Depending on the type of epilepsy,these storms may only affect a certain area of the brain or they may affect the entire brain.

A collection of illnesses collectively referred to as "cerebrovascular disease" have an impact on the brain's blood arteries and blood flow. Blood vessel stenosis, thrombosis, embolism, and blood vessel rupture are all conditions that can cause problems with blood flow (haemorrhage). Brain tissue is impacted by inadequate blood flow, or ischemia, which can result in a stroke.